Aerosol Model Benchmark Repositories and Standards (AMBRS) Brainstorming Session

Wednesday, December 5th and Thursday, December 6th, 2023
Our goal is to develop standardized cases for assessing performance of algorithms that simulate aerosol processes.  This activity will consist of small group discussions organized around specific aerosol processes (e.g. coagulation, nucleation, condensation, activation) in which participants will develop one or more cases that can be used to formulate unit tests and benchmark algorithm performance in terms of accuracy and efficiency. The products from this initiative will support algorithm intercomparison within the aerosol community, augment model development workflows, and facilitate collaborations with other disciplines like software engineering.

The activity will take place in two sessions during lunch on Wednesday and Thursday. We will begin with a brief presentation on the background and objectives on Wednesday, followed by more in-depths discussions in smaller groups on Thursday. Small groups may follow up with each other after the conference to finalize their test cases. As an IAMA attendee, You are uniquely qualified for this effort. We look forward to learning from your expertise!

If you have any preliminary questions regarding this activity, please contact Nicole Reimer at