2019 Conference Schedule

2019 Conference Agenda



7:30 AM ...... Registration Opens

8:30 AM ...... Opening Remarks

8:35 AM ...... Molecular to Single Particle

Photochemical reaction and diffusion (PRAD) model: The influence of viscosity on photochemistry in single aerosol particles -  Jing Dou, ETH Zurich

Improved parameterizations for neutral and ion-induced H2SO4-H2O particle formation - Anni Määttänen, LATMOS/IPSL, UVSQ Université Paris-Saclay, Sorbonne Université, CNRS

Efficient model-based retrieval of aerosol properties from composition-resolved thermal desorption measurements - Siegfried Schobesberger, University of Eastern Finland

Impacts of phase state on multiphase reactivity and partitioning of secondary organic aerosols - Manabu Shiraiwa, University of California, Irvine

Towards understanding heterogeneous ice nucleation on realistic silver iodide surfaces from atomistic simulation - Bernhard Reischel, Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research / Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland

10:20 AM ...... Break

10:50 AM ...... Single Particle to Box Model

Probing the Volatility of α-Pinene SOA: From Molecular Composition to Bulk Volatility - David Bell, Paul Scherrer Institute

A predictive group-contribution model for the viscosity of aqueous organic aerosol - Andreas Zuend, McGill University

SOA formation in a low NOx biogenic environment perturbed by an urban plume: an explicit modeling study of the GoAmazon 2014/5 field campaign - Camille Mouchel-Vallon, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Kinetic modelling of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation: connecting the data points - Thomas Berkemeier, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany

Molecular scale insights into aerosol formation and reactivity - Celine Toubin, Université de Lille

12:35 PM ...... Lunch by Magpie Caterers

1:45 PM ...... Plenary Presentation

The State of Acidity in the Atmosphere: Particles and Clouds - Havala Pye, US Environmental Protection Agency

2:50 PM ...... Minute Madness Presentations & Poster Review

4:10 PM ...... Regional to Global Scale Modeling of Aerosol

Trends in Organic Matter and Functional Groups from 2009 to 2016 in the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization (SEARCH) Network - Ann Dillner, UC Davis Air Quality Research Center

Heterogeneous production of nitrate in extreme haze - Becky Alexander, University of Washington

5:00 PM ...... Welcome Reception


7:30 AM ...... Registration Opens

8:30 AM ...... Regional to Global Scale Modeling of Aerosol Continued...

VIRTUAL PRESENTATION: How do we represent secondary organic aerosols in Earth System Models? - Cat Scott, University of Leeds

Urban pollution greatly enhances formation of natural aerosols over the pristine Amazon - Manish Shrivastava, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Benchmarking aerosol models on the regional scale using a stochastic particle-resolved approach - Jeffrey Curtis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Heterogeneous cloud and aerosol chemistry in the tropospheric NOy cycle - Christopher Holmes, Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science, Florida State University

9:55 AM ...... Break

10:25 AM ...... Emerging Modelling Techniques

A Mass-Conserving Machine Learning Algorithm for Atmospheric Chemistry - Anthony Wexler, UC Davis

Trimming the Iterative Fat of Equilibrium Thermodynamic Models Using Neural Networks - Kyle Gorkowski, McGill University

Coarse-Graining of Aerosol Mixing State Metrics Empowered by Machine Learning - Zhonghua Zheng, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

ISORROPIA-MCX: Implementation of the Multicomplex Variable Method into the Aerosol Thermodynamic Model, ISORROPIA -  Bryan Berman, Drexel University

11:50 PM ...... Lunch 

1:00 PM ...... New frontiers in Aerosol Sources: Beyond Mobile Emissions and Biogenics

Representing sub-grid biomass burning processes in regional and global models - Jeffrey Pierce, Colorado State University

Dilution impacts on aerosol aging in biomass burning plumes: using a novel coupled aerosol, chemistry and large-eddy simulation model to learn about the impacts of dilution rates and cross-plume concentration gradients on smoke aging  - Anna Hodshire, Colorado State University

Modeling Impacts on Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Volatile Chemical Products - Brian McDonald, NOAA/CIRES

Appraisal of real-time bioaerosol detection techniques and classification algorithms - Ian Crawford, University of Manchester

Beyond traffic and biogenics: Importance of cooking and volatile chemical products in the urban atmosphere - Albert Presto, CMU

2:45 PM ...... Break

3:15 PM ......  New frontiers in Aerosol Sources: Beyond Mobile Emissions and Biogenics Continued...

Inferring aerosol sources using multi-pollutant, low-cost air quality sensors - David Hagan, MIT

 Modeling indoor ultrafine particle dynamics Donghyun Rim, Pennsylvania State University

3:55 PM ...... Plenary Presentation

Air Pollution Toxicology: My Struggle for Realistic Exposures - Anthony Wexler, UC Davis


7:30 AM ...... Registration Opens

8:30 AM ...... Air Quality Modeling for Health and Regulatory Assessments

Comparison of multiple PM2.5 exposure products for estimating health benefits of emission controls - Xiaomeng Jin, Columbia University

Development and Applications of “Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment System” (ABaCAS) - Carey Jang, EPA/OAQPS

Projecting PM2.5 concentration fields to correspond to just meeting National Ambient Air Quality Standards - James Kelly, US Environmental Protection Agency

The effectiveness of the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan on the air quality and human health during 2013-2017 in China - Jia Xing, Tsinghua University

9:55 AM ...... Break

10:20 AM ...... Air Quality Modeling for Health and Regulatory Assessments Continued

Predicted Ultrafine Particulate Matter Source Contribution across the Continental United States during Summer Time Air Pollution Events - Michael Kleeman, UC Davis

 Regulatory Modeling in California- Ajith Kaduwela, California Air Resources Board

Closing Remarks - Ajith Kaduwela, California Air Resources Board

11:20 PM ...... Conference Concludes