PDF of Full Conference Schedule

Day 1: Tuesday, December 7, 2021



Conference Activity

7:30 AM

3:30 PM

Morning Networking: Virtual Platform Training - Learn about Pheedloop

8:00 AM 

4:00 PM 

Session 1: Molecule to Single Particle

9:45 AM 

5:45 PM


10:00 AM 

6:00 PM

Session 2a: Emerging Modelling Techniques (Part 1)

11:20 AM 

7:20 PM

Lunch Break & Networking: Connection Development: What's new in your life? What's new in your research?

12:15 PM 

8:15 PM

Session 2b: Emerging Modelling Techniques (Part 2)

1:35 PM 

9:35 PM

End of Day Group Networking & Discussions: Day 1 Presentation Review

2:00 PM

10:00 PM

End of Day 1

Day 2: Wednesday, December 8, 2021



Conference Activity

7:30 AM

3:30 PM

Morning Networking: Early Career Discussion

8:00 AM 

4:00 PM 

Session 2C: Emerging Modelling Techniques (Part 3)

9:05 AM 

5:05 PM


9:15 AM 

5:15 PM

Session 3: Air Quality Modeling for Health and Regulatory Assessments

10:45 AM

5:15 PM

Lightning Talk Presentations (Part 1)

11:00 AM 

7:00 PM

Poster Reviews & Lunch BreakPoster Review & Discussions with Lightning Talk Presenters

12:00 PM 

8:00 PM

Session 4a: Advances in regional and global scale aerosol model developments for simulating the myriad processes affecting the properties and chemical composition of fine particles in the atmosphere (Part 1)

1:15 PM 

9:15 PM

End of Day Group Networking & Discussions: Day 2 Presentation Review

2:00 PM

10:00 PM

End of Day 2

Day 3: Thursday, December 9, 2021



Conference Activity

7:30 AM

3:30 PM

Morning Networking: Regulations, Policies, and Real World Applications

8:00 AM 

4:00 PM 

Session 4b: Advances in regional and global scale aerosol model developments for simulating the myriad processes affecting the properties and chemical composition of fine particles in the atmosphere (Part 2)

9:10 AM 

5:10 PM

Keynote Presentation: Reduction of large datasets and expensive air quality model calculations through statistical analysis and machine learning by Daven Henze

10:15 AM 

6:15 PM


10:30 AM

6:30 PM

Session 5a: Emissions and Sources (Part 1)

11:35 AM 

7:35 PM

Lunch Break & Networking: Established Researcher Connections - career perspectives, career progression, and navigating the field of aerosol modeling

12:40 PM 

8:40 PM

Session 5b: Emissions and Sources (Part 2)

1:30 PM 

9:30 PM

End of Day Group Networking & Discussions: Day 3 Presentation Review

2:00 PM

10:00 PM

End of Day 3

Day 4: Friday, December 10, 2021



Conference Activity

7:30 AM

3:30 PM

Morning Networking: Where do we go from here? What additional research is still needed?

8:00 AM 

4:00 PM 

Session 6a: Process Models to Box Models (Part 1)

9:05 AM 

5:05 PM


9:15 AM 

5:15 PM

Session 6b: Process Models to Box Models (Part 2)

10:20 AM

6:20 PM

Lightning Talk Presentations (Part 2)

10:30 AM 

6:30 PM

Poster Reviews & Lunch BreakPoster Review & Discussions with Lightning Talk Presenters

11:30 AM 

7:30 PM

Session 6c: Process Models to Box Models (Part 3)

12:35 PM 

8:35 PM

End of Day Group Networking & Discussions: End of Conference Happy Hour!

1:30 PM

9:30 PM

Conference Concludes